Investment proposition
Investment philosophy
We believe that investing should be carefully considered and diversified to reduce risk.
Our multi-asset portfolios may invest in cash, direct equities, fixed income securities, exchange traded funds, investment trusts, open-ended investment companies and unit trusts. We may also include currencies, commodities and other alternatives to reduce overall risk.
Investment management: Strategy and considerations
The needs for a client can be complex such as building their wealth to provide for income in retirement, creating a nest egg for their family and dependents or simply getting a better return to preserve their wealth for the longer term.
All portfolios are benchmarked against an agreed index that closely matches the strategy. This helps you to understand how well we have performed against the specified index.
Investment Advice Process
Our investment management service for client specific mandates is complementary to advice provided by Financial Planning practices, accountants and lawyers. All clients are provided with an Investment Policy Statement that outlines their mandate to meet their expectations.
Clients will have access to a dedicated investment manager. In addition, all clients are regularly reviewed and provided with formal valuations. They can also have online access to valuations as well as the last two years worth of transactions. All client portfolios are held on third party custodians, please refer to our Investor Account Protection.